For individuals experiencing mental health and/or substance use health challenges
Anxiety Canada
Evidence based resources for managing different types of anxiety- including low cost groups run by counsellors, the MindShift app based on CBT, and self-help materials.
Here to Help BC
A resource from seven different agencies in BC for helping people to support themselves or someone else with mental health difficulties.
Bounce Back
A free phone coaching program to help people experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Also available in provinces outside BC.
CBT i-coach
An app from the US National Centre for PTSD- but you don’t have to be a veteran for this to be helpful. This app is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia.
Saying When App
An app for anyone to monitor their drinking levels, to learn and practice coping skills should you want to change your drinking patterns.
Kelty's Key
Online self-paced courses to help you learn to manage concerns such as anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, substance use and more.
Rethink Your Drinking
A website where you can enter your age, gender, and details about your drinking habits. It will then tell you how you compare to others, money spent per year, etc. It also has assessments for cannabis, gambling, and more.
Mind Over Mood
A general CBT self-help book. You can read modules and complete exercises specific to your concerns (low mood, grief, shame, etc)
For concerned loved ones
Helping Families Help
Helping Families Help is a website with links to books, websites, courses and providers focused on Community Reinforcement and Family Training / Invitation to Change approaches. There is also a very helpful blog.
Families for Addiction Recovery Canada
FAR Canada offers free phone coaching and online support groups based on Beyond Addiction/the Invitation to Change approach. They also provide community education and advocacy to influence government policy.
Centre for Motivation and Change
Center for Motivation and Change has a wealth of resources: They are the authors of the excellent books: Beyond Addiction and Beyond Addiction Workbook. They have many great blog posts and articles. They also have training for helping professionals.
Parents Forever
Parents Forever is a support group that meets online or in person in the Lower Mainland of BC. It is a mutual support group for families affected by a loved one’s substance use.
From Grief to Action
This organization, based in British Columbia, is a voice and support for family and friends affected by substance use. They have a Coping Toolkit and many other resources for understanding substance use, current news, and advocacy updates.
SMART Family and Friends
This support group offers support for helping someone struggling with substance use. Strategies are based on SMART Recovery (a peer support group for substance use) and Community Reinforcement and Family Training. Virtual and in-person options available.
Moms Stop the Harm
A network of Canadian families affected by substance use harms. They offer many resources, including support groups and grief support groups. They have many resources, research projects and other educational events as well.
Psychosis REACH
Psychosis REACH provides free training for family and friends to better understand, help, and support a loved one experiencing psychosis. It includes on-demand training (i.e., 5hrs of self-paced online learning) plus a half day live event you attend virtually.
Xavier Amador’s book I’m not sick, I don’t need help is helpful for many families with a loved one experiencing a severe mental illness. His approach is called LEAP (Listen Empathize Agree Partner).
Parents Like Us
A book written by parents for parents of young people struggling with substance use.
For helping professionals
BCMHSUS Centre for Learning
A centre dedicated to enhancing competency in providing evidence-based care in Concurrent Disorders. Assess your own competencies, create and start your own learning plan. They also have an interactive online Concurrent Disorders curriculum. All free.
BC Mental Health and Substance Use ECHO
The Provincial Mental Health and Substance Use ECHO is an online collaborative environment for service providers who support people with complex mental health and substance use issues. Free one hour educational sessions occur every two weeks.
CBT for Substance Use
Applied Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches to the Treatment of Addiction: A Practical Treatment Guide is a great foundational text reviewing CBT essentials in helping someone experiencing an addiction.
Canadian Association of CBT
CACBT offers certification in CBT, a provider directory, and other training resources.
Motivational Interviewing
The 4th Edition of this classic book was published August 2023. Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers also has many helpful training resources, including finding local MINT members.
Motivational Interviewing - A free two hour course
A free 2hr course from UBC Continuing Professional Development on the basics of Motivational Interviewing.
CRAFT /ITC Resources
There is the CRAFT Treatment manual, as well as the Invitation to Change approach training and support resources from Centre for Motivation and Change. Lara Okoloko also offers training. Helping Families Help also has many provider resources.
Homeless Hub
A major resource on topics related to homelessness. Many research summaries, as well as links to key practice documents and workforce supports.